Jewish Community of Konstanz e.V.
Rabbi Tovia Ben-Chorin:
Synagogue tour St.Gallen CH
In silence we remember our Rabbi Tovia Ben-Chorin.
He died on March 22, 2022 in St.Gallen.

Photo © andreas praefcke
Course information on the lecture: virtual synagogue tour of the St.Gallen synagogue with Rabbi Tovia Ben-Chorin.
Tovia Ben Chorin, born in Jerusalem in 1936, has been a rabbi in St. Gallen since 2017, where he is responsible for a small Jewish community. The well-traveled liberal rabbi was called up for military service after high school and experienced 3 wars, 1956, 1967, and 1973 up close. After studying Bible and Jewish history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he attended the rabbinical seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio and was ordained as a rabbi in 1964. There followed 30 years as a rabbi in Israel before he was drawn into the world: USA and Europe - most recently he worked in Berlin, Manchester and Zurich, among others.
Project: Jüdischer Bodensee, Jüdische Gemeinde Konstanz eV, German-Israeli Society Bodensee-Region, Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation Konstanz eV and vhs